Hi SOUL Hi! Lovianhal!
How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.
The way I cackled.
And then caught myself cackling. And then cackled some more. The sheer genius of it all. The beauty. the spectacle. The coming together of months of ideas and collaborations with brilliant people of all fields, that turned into practices and cameos and a cohesive end result that amounted to millions of people with their eyeballs glued to their big and tiny screens. An audience of millions and perhaps billions of humans that sang the same line at the same time. Just… *chef’s kiss*
It must have been glorious in person. I imagine the energy was beyond electric. Sadly???, I will never know. I stopped supporting the superbawl since Colin Kaepernick took all them knees and ceased to have a career. It wasn’t a hard boycott for me bc I generally do not care about American football, but I get it. I support the efforts of the athletes. I support art in all its forms. (Go Eagles). That said, after the game, I did pull up on these Harriet Tubman interwebs to watch Kendrick D’Artiste Lamar Duckworth’s contribution to Jay Z’s NFL half-time extravaganza and I was not disappointed.
And the sheer volume of conversation after. The think pieces. The declarations. The memes and podcast hot takes. *chef’s kiss*. The way I L.O.V.E Black Art. The way I L.O.V.E. the way Black Art transforms and transcends the consciousness of traditional why(t) spaces. It was not lost on me that this particular half-time experience was multi-layered. It was, for some, the checkmate rap battle/beef thingy that Kendrick and Drake have been performing back and forth for their respective publics since last summer– I guess.
For some, this was the ultimate reminder to a country and a sitting President and a whole swath of CEOs and random people at large who like to purposefully forget who tf Black people are. I watched the show 50-11 times. I probably didn’t catch all the “Easter eggs” and the subliminals and the whatever else the people keep arguing for (admittedly, I wasn’t looking that deep)– I just liked the show. I really and truly loved it all. I got to enjoy the culmination of Kendrick Lamar’s vision and the aftermath in relishing what other people thought they saw. It was master-full performance art. To me.
And I’m thinking more and more about the art of living an artful life. As an artist of any sort, who shares gifts, talents and ideas with perfect strangers who also have ideas about whatever art is shared with them. It’s a feedback loop, but it’s also a relationship.
Art is a relationship.
With parts of ourselves that have incarnated as seemingly unique beings that maybe we’ll never meet. But when we share our art in whichever way it shows up in us– we connect the dots. We connect with each other. We connect with ourselves. Even if it seems as though the selves don’t all agree. How cool is that?
I know it’s technically Valentine’s Day today. Per usual, I have little interest in talking about L.O.V.E. in the syrupy ways we tend to on this day. I do want to talk about relationships tho. I was thinking about the saying my dad used to always say– “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.” I think I was thinking about it because Samuel L. Jackson’s half-time “Uncle Sam” character reminded me of olden days survival respectability. It’s part of the why I was cackling. The juxtaposition of a relative Black elder telling a younger, Black “whipper snapper” to “tighten up” was *chef’s kiss*.
It also reminded me–once again–that what got us here entangled in the so-called “American Dream”, ain’t gonna get us to the kind and just society that works for everyone we incarnated to bring forth…
Much to discuss tonight on TEMS!!!
Tonight’s Starfolk University staff:
Oneika Mays—Dean of Joyful revolution
Suzanne Chabot—Dean of LOVE-FULL Communication
Rhonda Wildflower– Dean of Astrological Arts
Bunmi Moses–Dean of Brilliance, Luminosity and the Shamanic Arts
Michael Shawn—Dean of Humor and Social Etiquette
Jason Benefield—Dean of Peaceful Life Navigation
Richelle Payne—Dean of Spiritual PR
Nina Jones–Dean of Big Pirate Energy
Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…
#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree
Listen to the long stillness:
New life is stirring
New dreams are on the wing
New hopes are being readied:
Humankind is fashioning a new heart
Humankind is forging a new mind
God is at work.
This is the season of Promise
You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR Twitch too tonight!
Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.
Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:
The Art BEing L.O.V.E.
(True LOVE is the way)
The WuWu Metaphysical studio begins Friday night at 7p EST on WURD 96.1FM Philly + The FB LIVE (worldwide). See you then yes? Oh! Bring a journal, a pen and 3 frens! WuWu is best done together. 🙂 #comegetfree
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