The StarsNotes

Hi SOUL Hi!  Lovianhal! 


Heyyyy! How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.

We made it to a brand new month! Can you even believe it’s September already?! Chiiiiiile. 2024 has been barreling by. And at the same time, it hasn’t. There have been moments when time feels like it’s stuck in mud and other times when life is going so fast I feel like I’m in a wind tunnel, holding on to a slick wall by my fingernails. You?

Meanwhile there is also much to consider. There is the complicated dynamic of living our own individual lives with fervor, authenticity, opulence and joy… and the newscycle. There’s the knowing that people we share the planet with must endure horrors we do not… acknowledging that all life–our life– is connected with those who are suffering…AND rectifying that with the idea that we are here to live a SUPREME existence. A life of adventure, joy, fun and fabulousness. How do we do that? Why would we do this? If we are connected to those in pain, how dare we live our lives like it’s golden?

I grapple with this idea a lot. And have for more years than I can count. Every time there’s a school shooting or an innocent murdered or a news accounting of a war or any general crime against humanity, I sit between the feelings of rage for the injustice and a powerlessness to do anything meaningful. I used to feel personally responsible for not being able to wave my hands over the world like a character in a Harry Potter film and make people’s pain go away. Because wasn’t that what Yeshua did during his famed time on this planet? Didn’t he walk up to people who were starving and materialize bread and fishes? Didn’t he wave his hand over a jug of water and shift the liquid’s molecules from a clear beverage to a buzzy red one–if only to keep the party going a little longer? Didn’t he walk on top of a large body of water that should have swallowed him up like it would the rest of us if we tried such shenanigan’s? And didn’t he heal people who struggled with illness and raise up somebody else who was already clinically dead?!

And on top of allllllllllll of that– didn’t he say to the people who were awed by his display of the magical and miraculous, in essence,

“Don’t worship me boo. This ain’t nothing compared to what you will do if you decide to apply yourself too. Just sayin. Greater works than even these shall ye do.”

That one phrase haunts me at night when I’m I’m supposed to be sleep. What did Yeshua mean by that–besides the obvious? I’ve said many times on TEMS (The Envy McKee Show) that the time is nigh when we shall learn the ways of energy and be able to use the energy that we are made of and that makes up everything to materialize the things we need, want and desire without needing to fight with others over and about it. We’ll be able to flick our wrists and “whoop there it is!”  

Can I do this now?
No, I, personally cannot.

But there’s something in me that wants to try. That wants to embody whatever JuJu Yeshua embodied because I know our ancestors did. And WE just forgot what we have access to in our very mineral. And if this idea sounds silly and fantastical–okay. I’m cool with it. I have been privy to the magical and miraculous in my own life. I have seen people healed COMPLETELY from debilitating diseases they were told would kill them. I have watched people who were paralyzed or paraplegic literally take up their beds and walk into lives of their own design. I have seen people who can stop the rain by yelling to the sky and others cause rain by standing under an umbrella. And more. I’m thinking you’ve seen some things too.

That said, I have been told countless times through varying sources– both so-called “scholarly” and so-called “fringe”–that we are co-creators of our reality. And if that is true, then why can’t we create a reality that
as we flourish
those we share the planet with
flourish too?

Why can’t we create a kind and just society that works for EVERYONE simply because we believe we can?

Could it be that because we have been so primed to focus our energy on our seeming powerlessness to change circumstances– that we believe ourselves powerless subconsciously? And what we believe about ourselves becomes our experience?

AND could it be that if we remembered ourselves as SUPREME BEings (shout out to The 5th Element film), as in, co-creators of our own life experience
and thus,
contributors to the collective life experience– this whole life program would shift completely.  AND could it be that this idea is the “greater work” Yeshua was talking about?

I dunno. Just some things that I be thinking. You?

It’s first Friday, so you know there shalt be plenty to discuss In the WuWu Metaphysical Studio tonight…

Tonight’s  Starfolk University staff:

Rhonda Wildflower The Astrologer–Dean of Astrological Arts
Dr. Phil Roundtree – Dean of Societal Mental Health Awareness and Engagement
Daoud Mohteghi  (David Jones) – Dean of Christian Mysticism and Counseling
Bunmi Moses-Dean of Brilliance, Luminosity and the Shamanic Arts

Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…

#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree

“To be happy with yourself in the present moment while maintaining a dream of your future is a grand recipe for manifestation. When you feel so whole that you no longer care whether “it” will happen, that’s when amazing things materialize before your eyes. I’ve learned that being whole is the perfect state of creation. I’ve seen this time and time again in witnessing true healings in people all over the world. They feel so complete that they no longer want, no longer feel lack, and no longer try to do it themselves. They let go, and to their amazement, something greater than they are responds—and they laugh at the simplicity of the process.”
― Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

 You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR  Twitch too tonight!

Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.

Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:



(The SUPREME code)

In Case You Missed This Week's Class...

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