The StarsNotes

Hi SOUL Hi!  Lovianhal! 
How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.

Consider this…

On today, the last day of Black History is World History Month, we’re in the throes of a Pisces new moon. A moon of new beginnings. A moon that “is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Fish. These include taking a leap of faith, accepting imperfections in ourselves and in others as a different kind of “perfection,” starting a project that requires imagination and visualization skills, consciously putting time aside for peaceful and rejuvenating activities, and sharing a dream with another.” Hmn.

It’s also, this evening, the beginning of Ramadan. A time when billions of our Muslim brothers and sisters are fasting from sunrise to sunset and steeping themselves, each other and the world in the frequency of deep reverence, faith, prayer and good deeds for the next 30 days. Hmn.

It’s also the first day of a global economic blackout. I say the first day, because the famed Montgomery Bus boycott also started with one day of mass protest. “On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a seamstress and secretary of the local NAACP, refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. As a result, Parks was arrested for violating a city law. Parks’ actions and subsequent arrest launched the Montgomery Bus Boycott, pushing Martin Luther King Jr. into the national spotlight.”

One day.

Was all that was initially planned. Turned into 382 days. The people rose to the occasion. They centered community and took care of each other. Their collective vision bore fruit. The boycott ended, essentially, when legislation was passed and the buses were desegregated.

Sure. We live in different times. We aren’t integrating buses–

We’re decolonizing and liberating our minds and by default, our lives.
We’re remembering ourselves.

We’re circulating our incomes away from the basic-imitation-vanilla-unseasoned-beige-chicken box stores who have monopolized our currency (circulation strategies) for too long. We’re moving our financial energies back into investing in small, local, community businesses that sustain people and profits with creativity, innovation, ideas and vibes.  Real vanilla orchid vanilla. Like the kind a 12-year old Black enslaved boy named Edmond Albius sparked a billion dollar industry by discovering how to hand pollinate vanilla orchids. An industry he, like so many brilliant people and communities before and after him, never benefited nor profited from. Which is enraging. But it’s also, seasoning for what we as the collective will be up to for the foreseeable future. It’s more than benefiting and profiting though. It’s reimagining what the world can be when its our vision for a kind, just, awake, aware, liberated and prosperous global community that works for everyone –that we get to outpicture in reality.

We’ve done The Lord of the Flies version of events. We’ve played out the whole hand of cards dealt to us by the pale baby men who through “manifest destiny” stole the inheritances of generations of civilizations around the world. We even helped them do so in some cases, by force or by foul. And now the collective dark night of the soul that humanity et all had been thrust into is culminating… 

The Transition has begun.

The goo phase of our caterpillar journey is shoring up. The butterfly genes are expressing in their fullness and the new butterfly body is forming. We are in the no turning back part of this process. It’s bigger than FAFO. The energy around what is happening now is bigger than anything than we can even begin to imagine or articulate. Yet. For a lot of us, this transition we’re in feels like flying blind. We’ve been used to doing things a certain way in order to survive the times. And now that the times have fervently changed, we feel awkward and afraid of what lies ahead. But spirit keeps nudging me to nudge you to remember that we were literally born for this. We were designed, crafted and forged for these times. We incarnated to do the very things that have been pulling at our very souls to do during these activated times.

The year is NOW.  

I’m also reminded that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Today on “international keep your money energy in your pocket” day is a collective first step that will likely lead us further than we’ve ever gone before. And further still after that. The world we’re building is beautiful. I wish you could see what has been shown to me…
one day, sooner than you think–
you will.

Also, interestingly, I begin my 10th anniversary 40 day fast. And today also marks 40 days of hosting #stopdropandmeditate and holding the energetic field of pure love and beauty on Facebook live. Coincidence? Me think not!  Anyway, much to discuss tonight on TEMS!!!

Tonight’s  Starfolk University staff:

Rev. Maria Kliavkoff— Dean of Healthy Mourning
Dr. Phil RoundtreeDean of Societal Mental Health Awareness
Kitakiya Dennis— New to Starfolk U! 
Bunmi Moses– Dean of Brilliance, Luminosity and the Shamanic Arts
Eisha Mason— Dean of Radical Spiritual Connection
Cruzie Cruz–New to Starfolk U
Meredith + Tavis— Deans of Indigenous Education Dept.
Daoud Mohteghi–Dean of Christian Mysticism and Counseling

Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…

#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree

“What she did know, with some amount of emphasis, was that everything that happened was a cause set in motion. The Entwine of Mirth, which meant, The Joining of Joy, was to be balanced. There was no stopping it. She, for one, was looking forward to the kind of Earth that represented exactly that. The joining of joy. She was looking forward to the kind of Earth she would take pride in leaving for all the children of Earth–to raise their children up, on, through and with. It was that thought that brightened her smile again. Plus the thought that there would be a party waiting for her when she got home…it was her tribe’s New Moon Fete in the pyramid garden–complete with Stai food, wonderful music and dancing until dawn… 
— The Stellar Trilogy, Book 3: Light of the War

 You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR  Twitch too tonight!

Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.

Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:

The Art BEing L.O.V.E.


(True LOVE is the way)
The WuWu Metaphysical studio begins Friday night at 7p EST on WURD 96.1FM Philly + The FB LIVE (worldwide). See you then yes? Oh! Bring a journal, a pen and 3 frens! WuWu is best done together. 🙂 #comegetfree


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