Hi SOUL Hi! Lovianhal!
How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.
When I tell you the last few days have been weird…
I mean, considering the weirdness that we’re all privy to that appears to be a “why(t) male of a certain sort” collective temper tantrum…
Imma say, yes, weirder than that.
So. On this past Sunday,
the second day of the current year,
of the month we often call March,
I was firmly nudged to hold a fire ceremony for myself and some naggling past energies that I’ve been feeling like were hanging on to my ankles for dear life.
Some context.
You ever feel like no matter what you’ve been up to–
no matter how many strides and efforts you’ve made–
no matter how many fasts–
No matter how many shifts, changes–
no matter how many affirmations and prayers–
no matter how solid you think your wings are–
that there’s like a 10,000 pound weight on your ankles that seems to be keeping you from getting high enough off the ground for the wind to catch your wings?
That’s what I had been feeling like. I felt confirmed that I have been doing my healing and forgiveness work. I have been steadfast in sitting with my discomfort and loving up on my vulnerabilities and the parts of myself I had been disliking and/or neglecting. I have been Meditating and Ho’Oponopono-ing myself practically into a frenzy. So why hadn’t I been feeling at all like I was making any progress? Why did I persistently feel like I was looping around and around in the same frequencies and challenges I knew I had already worked through?
The suggestion came up to do a fire ceremony. I’m pretty sure it was my Sistar fren Bunmi who suggested it. I sat with the idea for a day or two and asked spirit what a fire ceremony for release would look like for me. And during meditation Sunday morning, I received a clear invitation to have one. And what was totally cool about my experience were the Sistar frens who “happened” to reach out to me out of the blue and who were able to offer suggestions for my process and hold me in consciousness. Gurl. I had no idea what I was doing, and yet, I did.
I knew to write out my “petitions” for release. I didn’t have access to a fireplace, but I did have a few white candles that I used for this purpose. I had a big metal bowl and I had an old thick glass Tar-jay candle (fitting) that could serve as the receptacle for my burned petitions. I had music to guide my journey, This was the soundtrack as I got ready. And I had another playlist I used for the actual burning part of the ceremony. I took a shower before and after and then a hot salt bath after I had finished burning– with gratitude– every sheet of paper. It was such a beautiful journey. It felt natural to let so many things I knew I was holding on to–for years– go. Chile, the joke was that I had so many petitions for release, it was a whole bonfire. I was joking… but was I? And I’ll also say that I’m still processing my experience. It was beautiful. It was deeply grounding and spiritual. And I do, really and truly feel different and lighter and like a whole bunch of accumulated nonsense in my psyche has been transmuted and transcended and I can see myself more clearly. It takes time to process and I’m allowing myself that time. But considering how so many of my visions have involved fire pre and post ceremony– it makes perfect logical sense why this month’s #shiftprompt is The Art of BEing FIRE.
And so I’ve been thinking. Hear me out. Fire is a spiritually cleansing medium. Sure, if unkempt it can destroy, but same goes for everything in existence– including ourselves. And I was also thinking–
You know how when plants stop thriving and you have to cut them down to the nub for them to grow back bigger and better and stronger than ever?
You know how when we “big chop” our hair, it grows back, bigger and better and thicker and stronger than ever?
You know how when forests are overrun with debris, and it’s too dry– wildfires burn the whole lot to the ground, to start over, bigger and better and more lush than ever?
What if this is what is happening now? The nation formerly known as the United States has long been terminally ill. It has been sick for so long we all, for generations, have just vibed, survived and worked around the festering parts. But life don’t work like that. Anything that ain’t growing is soil. The dead parts have to be cut off or burned to the nub in order to grow back lush. And, if we’re really paying attention, the people who are most infected with whatever the disease this country has (you can name it cause it seems like a bunch of stuff that’s been piled on) have got the matches in hand. They are doing what NTR (nature) does when it’s ready for a refresh. And what do we do about that? Maybe– write down a bunch of our petitions to throw in the fire as it burns?
This is a complicated conversation to have. Life as we experience it isn’t prose. It isn’t an essay. It isn’t a cute metaphor. It’s our actual lives burning up in front and around us. And nobody knows better than the many, many families in Los Angeles and Maui (and wherever else wildfires rage around the world) — how shit burning before our eyes feels in real time. It’s devastating.
And yet, this is where we are.
I started this conversation saying that this week has been weird, but I didn’t tell you why. By now, maybe, you know that I hold a daily meditation sangha on Facebook Live. I am also on Day 8 of the 10th anniversary of my 40 day fast. I have officially infiltrated the “Meta field” with energetic gifts and frequency shifts that are above my paygrade :). And today, I heard the flames. Grandmother Fire was crackling in my ears and I heard her speaking to me. At some point in the meditation, you can see me lean in to hear her words through the crackling of the flames I heard around my head. I saw so many things in this vision–beautiful things, some beyond description– but what Grandmother said, that I heard clearly was “women are the flames and the whole of it will be burned down.” And at some point, the lightest, most delicate tears floated down my cheeks.
It wasn’t until just now, listening to Anthony and Algebra, that the sobs came. We gone be alright y’all. We gone be alright. AND too much has happened on this land. The land itself is writing its petitions. It is asking for us to be shamans for her fire ceremony. We are the Flames…
Tonight’s Starfolk University staff:
Rhonda Wildflower-Dean of Astrological Arts
Bunmi Moses– Dean of Brilliance, Luminosity and the Shamanic Arts
Daoud Mohteghi–Dean of Christian Mysticism and Counseling
Jason Benefield-Dean of Peaceful Life Navigation
Nina Jones- Dean of Big Pirate Energy
Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…
#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree
The woman placed her subtle hand on Kai’s stiffened chin.
“We endured.” She said, in a voice much bigger than her body looked like it could manifest.
“We endured. So that you don’t have to. You wear our rage in your skin. It in your cells. It flow through your veins. It make up your bones. You inherit this rage from all of us—thousands and millions of us who could not do what you can now. All of it is in you now to be thrown into the flames. To burn for generations that will come after you. Those who came before and before and before prayed for this day. Prayed for you to release us from it. The rage in you was gifted to you to throw in the flames to burn it off from the whole of our line. You were born in part, to burn the whole of the pain body that has taken shape in the very atmosphere of Earthplane. You are strong enough to burn it off without it burning you too. You are strong enough to let the flames consume the rage and pain and not consume you too. Let it burn.” She said, with eyes that flickered like crystals charging in full moonlight.
The words rang through Kai’s awareness like laps in a pool. Flames and water were mixing at last.
— The Stellar Universe, Book 4: Deep Roots
You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR Twitch too tonight!
Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.
Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:
The Art BEing FIRE
(FIRE burns…)
The WuWu Metaphysical studio begins Friday night at 7p EST on WURD 96.1FM Philly + The FB LIVE (worldwide). See you then yes? Oh! Bring a journal, a pen and 3 frens! WuWu is best done together. 🙂 #comegetfree
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