The StarsNotes

Hi SOUL Hi!  Lovianhal! 
How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.

Lordt. We made it to February. As long as it took for us to emerge from January’s long self– I’m feeling like February’s short self should feel like a reprieve. It doesn’t. Not to me. But I feel like it should.

Anyway.This “Black History is World History Month” feels different, doesn’t it? It feels quieter. It feels like the lot of us are still catching our bearings and have understandably pulled our attention closer to the chest–if only to brace for the next round of bulljank that is inevitably on its way. It’s a survival strategy that is in our mineral. We get it from our ancestors. We get it from our general, hard-won  ability to see the future because we’ve never had the “privilege” to forget the past. 

And so now we’re in a time and space and place where the last tendrils of this dying idea of the world is bubbling up to take its last breaths and we’re watching it happen in real time. We’re watching the spectacle of ridiculousness as though sitting around a campfire, wanting to toast marshmallows to put between graham crackers except we don’t have access to graham crackers–we’re holding a sleeve of saltines. Nobody makes s’mores with saltines. Saltines are NOT strong enough to hold marshmallows and chocolate. They break. They absorb too much moisture and get soft. There’s a reason why s’mores are made with grahams.

I’m not clear about where I’m going with this metaphor, but I am clear about the feeling tone that

— from a spiritual practitioner standpoint–
these times
knowing the end for
the specific fuckery we’re in the midst of
is nigh
“should” feel celebratory.

The memes about the 92% who knew what to do–and did– and so we can now lay back and watch the wackadoodles who voted absolutely against their own interests *suffer* whilst we sip champagne on the top of high buildings whilst the rest of the country burns to the ground 
at first.
It was as Trevor Noah described it– Schadenfreude. Finding pleasure in the pain of others. It may even *feel* justified. 

They did it to themselves! They did this! It’s their fault! Come get this consequence! They gone learn today! If they don’t feel the pain…they’ll never learn. Instant karma!
Speaking of nearly instant karma, maybe you’ve heard. Tar-jay is being sued by its shareholders for not disclosing that ending its DEI initiatives could cause boycotts–and did– which caused stock prices to plummet. As we continue to strategically DIVEST from the companies, institutions, ideologies and people who have proven themselves incapable of being a part of the process of building and birthing a kind and just society that works for everyone– this is a cause for celebration. Yes? The work is working ain’t it? We hitting them in their pockets. We’re flexing our trillions of dollars worth of *buying* power. The company who will one day soon be formerly known as Target, will surely go the way of K-Mart (which I actually loved) and become a relic–reduced to a blurb on Wikipedia, as stores close and a new brand (preferably Black or Indigenous owned) that actually fulfills the promise of an inclusive department store with luxury items we don’t actually need emerges. In the meantime, Tar-jay’s decline will impact more than just stockholders… 

I don’t doubt that Walmart will come next along with, maybe, Hobby Lobby, and any other company that has shown solidarity with the technology of white supremacy– until we are left with a blank-er commerce slate with which to build upon. Step 1 of Shift of the People is to DIVEST.


I think the part of this equation we often forget about when we sit around a fire with marshmallows and chocolate, warming our hands, whilst purposefully burning sugar on a stick, is that we’re all connected. Everything that happens impacts us in some way, shape, form and fashion. EVERYTHING. There is no “only them over there suffer”. Because we share this life with them
over there.

In fact, there is no them over there– it’s all US. Full stop. As trained practitioners, it is our charge to hold the space of a kind and just society that works for EVERYONE. Even the fools who don’t know no better. While I understand that everybody don’t want to come– holding the field of LOVE and safety and success for just some is in part of the how we got to where we are now to begin with.
Read that again.

I am in no stretch of the imagination saying that we free people from the lessons of their journey. Rhonda Wildflower the Astrologer has often said out loud and with her chest on TEMS that we must respect people’s journey. Everybody who incarnated to Earth School didn’t incarnate to evolve. Some of them folx incarnated to show and teach us what it looks like in real time when we choose not to evolve. This does not mean that we can’t have compassion for their experience as well as for ours. If only because WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. There is nothing that happens in this world that doesn’t impact everything else. Consider, the butterfly effect. And so we must also begin to consider a more holistic way of interacting with the dying world as we begin the work of planning its fune, walking the procession, burying its body, holding the repass, the journey of grieving and then mourning its loss–all whilst holding the vision of what our hearts know is possible for a kind and just society that works for everyone. There are plenty of places to hold the space of compassion for ourselves individually and for the world (and the people who populate it) that got us to this place in history… 

I think it’s apropos to mention here that Step 2 of Shift of the People is to CONNECT. As in the dots. That we don’t exist in a void. 

And so, as we enter this new month of conscious discussion with a new #shiftprompt The Art of BEing L.O.V.E.–Living Our Vision Everyday– I’d like for us to really ruminate on what the bigger vision is. What we believe about ourselves now and maybe, who we want to be in the future– with the intention of making good and well sure we don’t fall into the same “winner take all” mindwave that got us here–but with seasoning. Feel me? What got us here, will not get us there… Cowboy Carter has been the funerary soundtrack for me for some time now. Appropriate that she won all the Grammys for it.

Tonight’s  Starfolk University staff:Dr. Phil Roundtree– Dean of Societal Mental Health Awareness
Daoud Mohteghi–Dean of Christian Mysticism and Counseling
Dr. Kimberly Mcglonn– Dean of Spiritual Intentionality
Empress Naima- Dean of Intuitive Arts
Bridge’tte Stargate–Dean of Spiritual Mid-Wifery
Bunmi Moses- Dean of Brilliance, Luminosity and the Shamanic Arts
and Jonka Boogie-our new Dean of Rhythm and Music Alchemy!!!!Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…
#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree“Genuine love is rarely an emotional space where needs are instantly gratified. To know love we have to invest time and commitment…’dreaming that love will save us, solve all our problems or provide a steady state of bliss or security only keeps us stuck in wishful fantasy, undermining the real power of the love — which is to transform us.’ Many people want love to function like a drug, giving them an immediate and sustained high. They want to do nothing, just passively receive the good feeling.”
― bell hooks You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR  Twitch too tonight!Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.
Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:

The Art BEing L.O.V.E.


(True LOVE is the way)
The WuWu Metaphysical studio begins Friday night at 7p EST on WURD 96.1FM Philly + The FB LIVE (worldwide). See you then yes? Oh! Bring a journal, a pen and 3 frens! WuWu is best done together. 🙂 #comegetfree


#stopdropandmeditate Group Meditation/Sangha happens in Auset Hall under the golden dome, daily at 11:11 am ET until 12:12. Sangha is a full hour and is led by Dr. Ether Posh. #stopdropandmeditate is a silent meditation field.  You will be prayed up entering the field, while in the field and as the Sangha ends.  You may stay as long as spirit guides (5 mins, 20 mins or the whole hour, whatever suits your practice.)

In Honor of Black History is World History Month– 
Check out This Episode of BlkArtistory 365: Katherine Dunham 

The Stellar Series Book 4: Deep Roots UPDATE:  SHE’s Here!!! Finally!!!
You can check out the artwork for the first of Book 4: Deep Roots covers for The Stellar Universe by scrolling below. 

Star Cards are still available in the Starfolk U Student Union.
 You can add cash amounts to the card starting at $11.11.

See you in class tonight? Listen here:
7p EST or
 #starpeopleish #TEMS

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