Hi SOUL Hi! Lovianhal!
How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.
It’s a complicated time. Isn’t it? But what’s interesting is it’s really and truly only complicated (hear me out before you start yelling) because we keep minding the business that ain’t really ours.
Take a moment. Breathe that in.
A lot of us are roaming around these Harriet Tubman interwebs in our robes and curlers, holding a rolling pin and looking to play whack-a-mole on the vibrational noggins of folk who are simply walking past us to get to the club–or wherever they’re headed. What other folk are up to right now, really ain’t our business. Not right now. If we like or don’t like what other folk are up to–ain’t our business. Not right now. What the wackadoodle in chief is up to right now– ain’t really our business. Stay informed yes. Internalize new fffffckery? NO.
Not right now.
Am I saying that we put our heads in the proverbial sand and watch as the sky falls in chunks at our feet. NO. Why? Because the sky isn’t falling. It only feels like it’s falling because too many of us are not taking the daily time, energy and practice to regulate our own nervous systems. Read that again.
Wackadoodle in chief is a masterful teacher on how a human person can grift the energy out of millions of people at a time without even trying. He’s so good at doing and saying thee most ridiculous things, that all we do is talk about how he’s done or said thee most ridiculous things that it actually activates those things said or done into relevance. So many of us refuse to be bored by this childish display and even further refuse to get curious about what’s possibly trying to emerge through and as US during this complicated time. Because we’re so invested in the spectacle, that we haven’t given ourselves room to grow through this. Room to be curious. Room even to grieve, mourn and/or become so invested in taking immaculate care of our nervous systems and activating our meditation practices that the frequency of our own lives lifts and we begin to see what’s really and truly in front of us. Big Butterfly Energy.
Whether we like Voldemort or not, we’re taking his class again on Earth School. And he’s a master teacher in fuckery, spectacle and energy siphoning. And we’re here again, I believe, getting our Master’s Degree in staying in and on our square. BEing the eye of the storm and sharing our POWER with those who are braving the storm without the tools we’ve cultivated over these last 8 years. We may have thought passing Professor Rumplestiltskin’s class meant voting him out the first time. The frequency of fear and hate that keeps bubbling up is bubbling up to be seen, heard, transmuted and transcended. We even got a class syllabus this time. All the upcoming tests are open book. All that is required of us is to hold the consciousness of a kind and just society that works for everyone. Hold that frequency of what is emerging. Hold the space for those who can’t see it yet. Is this easy? NO.
What has been coming through me the last several weeks is Consciousness precedes form. I watched this video recently about this guy who was in a French prison many moons ago. You’ve probably seen Garrain Jones or heard some iteration of his story on these interwebs over the last dozen years or so. The gist is that he was arrested for drug possession in France with the intent to sell. I’m not clear on the details of how that came to be. He ended up sentenced to prison. While in prison he began reading a good deal, learning French and writing only with his non dominant hand. He also began to envision himself free. He got so clear on his freedom on the inside that within some time some glitch in the matrix manifested for him that caused his sentence to be overturned and he was let go. It sounds magical. And yet, Jones’ story is not the only one like this– his is simply the one that came through my timeline most recently. Again– consciousness precedes form. What’s going on on the inside is what shows up on the outside.
Maybe I should have led with this, but I’ve discovered the cheat code to not only surviving, but flourishing during these crazy times. You ready? Don’t swat at me. It’s the simplest, hardest practice you can do.
Having a long, deep, daily, activated meditation practice is the cheat code to holding the frequency–the consciousness of what is emerging. I know it sounds fluffy, but it’s true.
What came through for me in #stopdropandmeditate today was “Prayer directs our consciousness into the field of infinite possibility. Meditation steeps us in that field.” Which is why I say the longer you can sit in the field, the better. And meditation is cumulative. If you don’t have a meditation practice now, you start with 5 minutes a day until you get the physiology of sitting registered in your body. And then you work your way “up” in your practice to however long your body begins to ask for. And believe me, your body will begin to ask you to sit. Sitting in stillness has become a safe space to commune with myself– to commune with the source of life itself. To sit with the things I’ve been running from. To sit with old friends, old baggage, old ideas, old versions of me–and the new. The version of me who is emerging. For me, Meditation expands my field of consciousness so that instead of shrinking into fear, doubt and worry, I’m actually sitting with the source of existence. I am expanding instead of contracting. I am becoming generous with my energy rather than stingy. The more I stay diligent with my practice, the more willing I am to share.
–Rev Michael used to say–
“you only get to keep what you give away.” I still sometimes grapple with what that phrasing truly means, but I feel like every day I am willing to sit in my practice gets me closer.
Much to discuss tonight about Sharing Our POWER…
Tonight’s Starfolk University staff:
Dr. Erica Wilkins—Dean of Relationships +World Exploration
Dr. Heather Richards— Dean of Sexual Literacy and Root Chakra Power
Bridge’tte Stargate–Dean of Spiritual Mid-Wifery
Eisha Mason—Dean of Radical Spiritual Connection
Meredith and Tavis—Deans of Indigenous Education Dept.
Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…
#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree
“In times of pain, when the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past too painful to remember, I have learned to pay attention to right now. The precise moment I was in was always the only safe place for me.”
― Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativityy
You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR Twitch too tonight!
Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.
Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:
The Art BEing POWER
(It’s true POWER destiny)
The WuWu Metaphysical studio begins Friday night at 7p EST on WURD 96.1FM Philly + The FB LIVE (worldwide). See you then yes? Oh! Bring a journal, a pen and 3 frens! WuWu is best done together. 🙂 #comegetfree
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