The StarsNotes

Hi SOUL Hi!  Lovianhal! 

How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.

Let me tell you about last Saturday.  It was like, oh, I dunno, 4pm. My day had been uneventful up until that point. And then, on what seemed to me at the time as a whim, I opened the website. The site had been sitting like somebody’s annoying cousin, a placeholder. I had meant to update it before and before and before. But. Anyway. Saturday night, I still hadn’t any real intention of doing anything with it then—either—if I’m honest. Now, mind you, I had already begun the process of updating logos and refreshing my branding and such, so tinkering around in WordPress wasn’t a stretch. 

So. I’m in the wordpress interface, playing around with themes I might like, seeing what looks good in the “live preview” feature. I click a button. I think I’m adding a new theme to my arsenal of maybes. BUT. 


I apparently clicked the wrong button (or the right one depending how you’re looking at it)

The whole site was just poof! In the wind. Gone. Every picture was replaced with a generic stock photo. Every word I had written was now that quasi Latin
Lorem Epsum Icannotus Believus I Didous Thatem.

I tried clicking the reset button.
I tried using the back arrow like 50-11 times.
The only thing that got me was a whole bunch of code with some of the page’s original text.
Good enough, I thought.

I could not in good conscious leave “Starfolk University” looking like somebody’s generic dentist office website, so I got to work cutting and pasting the old text into a word doc so I could pull it later. I started adding pictures and logos and whatever else I could to make my site look like somebody cared. I was just going to make it presentable for the time being. I would get back to it later– at a time I would decide.

But what had happened was…

Something bigger than me, came over me. I can’t really describe the feeling. It was pure. It was a part of me I remember from when I used to sing forreal forreal. It was like music and I was writing a song. I’ll admit, I didn’t really know what I was doing. There was a new fangled site builder I had never heard of and I was all up in it learning on the spot. Cute. 

But then what had happened was, I went to I had been trying to update this site for at least a solid year. I’d done some things here and there, but… anyway.  I’m not clear why I was having such a hard time then, and every single time I tried to do something with it, I ended up frustrated and moving on to something else. This time though, since I had already put together the Starfolk U site, I thought, what the hay. AND with the confidence I brought from figuring out the other site, I figured out this one. Cause—believe it or not, both sites, though hosted on the EXACT SAME PLATFORM, have TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT site builders. *sigh* Anyway. So we’re learning on the spot. Uploading pictures and logos and whatever else I needed to make my site look like somebody cared. I was in the music again. Working on another song. Writing lyrics and swaying to a beat that could only be heard in my soul. By the time I was finished– going back and forth between sites, tweaking this, changing that. Going back and forth in Canva making stuff that popped up in my head. Can I do this? Is that possible? What would be cool here? Does this photo work? You know, vibing. By the time all was said and done…

It was 6PM Sunday. 

In just over 24 hours, I had TWO completely refreshed and updated cute websites that represent both who I am and who I’m BEcoming. I did mention websites weren’t in my plan, yes? I’m still in the throes of finishing touches of Book 4 for launch (prayerfully in time for Autumn Equinox). And yet, websites were what SUPREME Guidance gave me to do. Spirit ain’t want no placeholders or to do it later.

The time flew.
It didn’t even feel like work.
It felt like play.
I was like a little kid giggling and singing and talking to the air. 
Trying new things that came to mind.
I was in the zone
and the zone in me worked as me.
though not quite complete, both sites are better than I had imagined they would be. 
It felt ordained. When I finally came up for air, and knew I had done enough, my first thought was… “something BIG, BIG must be on the horizon.”

My second thought was… “where the attention goes, the energy flows.”
My third thought was… “it’s time for bed.”

Here’s the kicker. This same energy, this SUPREME guidance hasn’t left me alone since. Every night for the last week, I get into bed at an adult time like a normal person. I’ve meditated and said my prayers. I’ve blessed the world and am laying in the dark having assumed the position of someone who is ready to dream.

Somewhere around 3AM or 4AM my mind whizzes on like a lamp has been turned up. Plans, ideas, insights shoot through my consciousness. Every night it’s something different. Last night it was the full rundown of how I’m refreshing my apartment. I mean, down to the nails in the wall. Chile. And then, when everything has been jotted or sorted and walked through in consciousness, my eyes close and I “get” to sleep. Finally. Usually around 6AM. When I wake, I get to work doing whatever it is that came though. 

I’m not ready to share pictures yet, but my crib is looking super duper cute. I’ll also say, this isn’t regular degular ADHD happening. I’m more than clear about that. It’s not a bunch of monkey mind thoughts flickering about. These are downloads. It’s almost like, when I get really quiet, my future self–the self I’m becoming– has space enough in my awareness to speak and I have space enough in my awareness to listen.

Has that ever happened to you?
Have you ever felt SUPREMELY guided to do something and listened and came out on the other side,
Gobsmacked at something you created with your own hands, heart and mind?

I’m also clear that I have made it through to the other side of MAGNANIMOUS changes in my life.  AND it feels like spirit is guiding me about exactly what to do to prepare for what is coming. When you get a sec, check out and and let me know what you think. There’s still a few more things to do with them, but I’m going to let it marinate for the time being.

With that in mind, there shalt be plenty to discuss In the WuWu Metaphysical Studio tonight…

Tonight’s  Starfolk University staff:
Mayet Aja Jb – Dean of Inner Standing and Life Skills
Dr. Carol Penn – Dean of Spiritual Legacy
Empress Naima – Dean of Intuitive Arts

Dr. Heather Richards – Dean of Sexual Literacy and Root Chakra Power
Meredith and Tavis– Deans of Indigenous Education Dept.
Jason Benefield– Dean of Peaceful Life Navigation

Please Welcome our 2 NEW Deans at Starfolk U!:
Suzanne Chabot- Dean of LOVE-FULL Communication
Oneika Mays– Dean of Joyful Revolution

Of course, Jordan (Rhonda) is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…


#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree

“When you are consciously connected to Ultimate Reality, you are source and resourced by it. In African spirituality, there is no God or Ultimate reality and Nature: God or Ultimate Reality expresses as Nature, therefore, to touch God or Ultimate Reality is to embrace who and what you are as a product of Nature. And nature starts from you, right where you are to the ends of the infinite and ever-expanding universe. When you are nourished by Ultimate Reality, you will experience love, health, wealth and every good. Beyond all these, you will be an illumined soul; you will live a life that honors Ultimate Reality.”
― Brother Ishmael Tetteh, The Three Mystical Truths 

 You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR  Twitch too tonight!

Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.

Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:



(The SUPREME code)

In Case You Missed This Week's Class...

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