The StarsNotes

Hi SOUL Hi!  Lovianhal! 

Heyyyy! How you? I’m glad you’re here. I’m here too! I love you.

I was out for a walk last night. It’s been weird being in a quiet house with only my energy (well, my cat Picard too) working through the edits of Book 4. There’s a whole story around why Book 4: Deep Root’s release has been pushed back and I’m sure we’ll get to it at some point. But that’s not what I’m wanting to share today. 

l have been nestled in my chair, going through each line in my book with a metaphysical fine tooth comb when I hopped out of my seat and determined I needed to move my legs. It wasn’t too, too late– like 8:30pm or so, but the sun had set and the night sky had settled in. 

So I’m walking, wearing my favorite poncho because there was a little chill in the air. The poncho, btw, is distinctive.  It’s gorgeously adorned with a giant tree of life in the front and back with pyramids and five point stars along with trees and energy centers in blues and greens and oranges and reds in intricate patterns along the arms. My description isn’t giving it justice, but to me it’s like wearing a work of art.  And I love wearing my poncho because it often feels like when I wear it, it’s like wearing a protective covering. Remind me to tell you about the time I wore it for a plant ceremony in Hot Springs, AK. 

As I’m walking through my development, I notice a tall boy looking out through the screen door of his apartment to the sidewalk where I’m walking.  I looked up at him briefly, and kept it moving because I don’t know them people. I didn’t think anything of it. People look out of their windows and doors all the time.

As I continue to walk on the sidewalk trimmed with houses just outside of my development, I notice two men behind me. They’re a distance away, so I’m thinking they just happen to be walking too. It felt nice out. It was perfect walking just after sunset weather. Also, I live in North Utica, which is a relatively benign area in Central New York. Going into my third year living here, I have not once felt unsafe.

So I’m walking and I have my clunky keys in hand and I’m swinging them audibly saying my usual walking affirmations. “I am available for more good than I ever hoped for, realized, imagined or manifest in my life.” “I am whole perfect and complete.” “I love you, I apologize, please forgive me, thank you.” Or whatever I had in mind at the time.  

I do have good sense and after looking back at the men again, I decide to walk in the direction of my development’s entrance and go on home, cause something feels off. I turn to look behind me one more time and the two men had turned into the development also. Ok. I’m not running. I’m okay. My first instinct is usually that I am surrounded by love– held and kept from all things that would aim to harm me. And because I have this love vibe, I treat people the way I want to experience them. And that usually works out to be exactly the vibes I’m putting out. With that in mind, I’ll never know how many of those circumstances were actually dangerous until I reflect on them later.

Put a pin right there.

So I’m walking in the direction of my building and I hear what sounds like “Are you ___?” (I can’t remember the name the man closest to me used Carl? I dunno). I turned around and said “What?”
“Oh.” The man said. “Sorry about that. It was dark and you’re all covered up and we couldn’t tell if you were a man or a woman.”

I said something like, “I love my poncho.” I don’t know why I said this, but just go with it.

And he’s like, “Yeah, it’s very nice. We thought you were somebody else that is not supposed to be on this property. (or something in that realm) Sorry about that. Because it’s dark we couldn’t see your face to tell if you are a man or woman…”

“No worries” I said. Contemplating whether or not I was going to go around the block again as I had initially intended or just go back to my key secured building. When I looked over my shoulder again and the man I was talking to was still looking at me, I opted for the latter.

When I got back to my house and had some time to process, I realized the boy in the door that had been looking down on me was one of the dudes that were following behind me. They had actually followed me for the whole of my entirely-too-brief walk because they “thought” I was “somebody else” that “wasn’t supposed to be there”. Hmn.

Now. I am a lot of things. A fool is not one of them. Sometimes I may stretch the idea of what is generally accepted as foolishness, but not often. Last night’s encounter was weird on a lot of fronts. Was it a truly a case of mistaken identity or was it actually something else that I was miraculously protected from? Did my mental affirmations play a part? Or did my poncho–which has been through many a protective event– happen to shield me from something potentially nefarious? What if I had been in a much different mental space and panicked? What if I ran? I do not know. I will never know. I’m not even clear about next steps in this situation. If I’m honest, I still feel a way. Who are these people to follow somebody around like they’re self-appointed housing development overseers?! Chile.

So what does any of this have to do with “Lighting the Way” you ask? Whell. It’s becoming crystal clear that as we evolve and expand into our greatest and highest selves, there will still be people among us who will not. And in building and birthing a kind and just society that works for EVERYONE, we’re going to still have to live with all the contrast that still exists in this world. Lighting the way means that we continue on our path as we make a way for those who will also continue on theirs.

Which is complicated.

And what does any of this have to do with our month-long exploration of WEALTH? EVERYTHING. Wealth is about power. Power is about energy. Energy is about learning to wield the power we have access to for the betterment of all. There are lots of ways to wield energy. And not all of them ways look the way we think they should. 

Plenty to discuss In the WuWu Metaphysical Studio tonight…

Tonight’s  Starfolk University staff:

Jerrilyn Bossett- ALSP, Dean of Spiritual Foundation
Maria Kliavkoff – Dean of Healthy Mourning
Michelle Yasuda- Is an ALSP and NEW in the WuWu Meta Studio! 
Sylvie Spielman-Vaught– ALSP, Dean of Goddess Studies
Dr. Carol Penn – Dean of Spiritual Legacy
Kharisma McIlwaine – Dean of Artistic and Spiritual Performances

Of course, Jordan is in the WuWu Metaphysical Studio with me, so Join us tonight 7-10p on WURD! Bring a journal, pen and 3 frens…

#starfolku #starpeopleish #comegetfree

Because of our oneness with God, God’s Power is our power. We use that power every day in hundreds of ways, both constructively and destructively. Until we are conscious of the nature of our power, and until we learn how to use it for the good of the all, we will continue to witness what is called man’s inhumanity to man.”
―Walter Starke, It’s All God, The Flowers and The Fertilizer

 You can listen live with this link and/or on the WURD App. We ARE Live on the FB Live OR  Twitch too tonight!

Per usual, in EVERY single thing we do, the intention is transformation. And well moisturized legs.

Pssst! This month our #shiftprompt is:

The Art BEing WEALTH

(The WEALTH code)

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